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Upload .map file

Important Informations

  1. Some things are prohibited: your map cannot have: Func_GameAction, Trigger_If, Trigger on spawn
  2. Many particles, NPCs, objects and weapons with the intention of harming the stability of the system and server will also be detected and invalidated. This includes maps made for the purpose of farming kills.
  3. Map names containing symbols /, $, ', ", |, @ will not be accepted. Other types of special characters will also be checked.
  4. So far, external images and audio are not being accepted, only tileset. You will still be able to use our huge collection of images and audios, just click here to download the latest content.

Do not forget!

If the map tileset does not exist, you will be asked to upload it to our system (.bmp and .png only).

Once your map is loaded into our system, please allow up to 10 minutes for it to appear in the server map list